Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Martini Bed & Breakfast

Usually when I return from my too early visit to the gym, I find Halen and Harris lying on the couch holding their starving bellies while watching TV and waiting for me to return and provide them with breakfast. I used to leave out their cereal with cups of milk in the fridge for them to pour into their cereal when they awoke, but found they weren't disciplined enough to remain seated at the counter and actually finish the cereal or at least half of it. They would frequently take two or three bites, realize this filled their urgent hunger and then return to watching TV until I returned to howl at them because of their wasted soggy cereal. Well, this morning as I returned from the gym I was a little later than usual because I stopped to buy some taco shells for tonight's dinner and entered to find The Martini Bed and Breakfast! Halen had taken little pieces of paper and written each of their names, including "dog" and "cat", on them for their name cards, gotten Brigden out of his crib, poured each of them cereal, gotten the milk out of the fridge, poured the milk into their bowls, and got each one of them a glass for milk as well. I entered to find them all happily eating their cereal.

What a character, that Halen! She was grinning from ear to ear when she saw the surprise and pleasure on my face and ate up, without trying to appear so, each showering compliment I gave her as I happily surveyed the display. How adorable!

It really helped me to have such a good moment to start off the day with my children. I was just even thinking to myself as I drove home that I should give each one of them a hug each morning and tell them how much I love them so I can start my daily interactions off in a positive fashion because it seems like they too often turn negative quickly as I am shouting, Clean your room!, Get Dressed!, Brush Your Teeth! etc. I now understand the urge I feel, as they each leave the house each morning, to yell, "Have a Rotten Day!" as if to say, "and here's my one last growl for the morning, but please know that as I growl each morning that I love you!"


Brynn said...

Could she be more adorable? Where can I order a Halen? What a wonderful surprise. We miss all the kids, give them a hug and kiss from Dane and the rest of us! Oh and have a rotten day!!!! As a kid I never liked Oscar the Grouch, now as an adult he is one of my favorite characters. Hmm what does that say about life?

P.S. I know that your life is busy and all, but mine is not, so could you manage posting more often, because we want MORE!

Andrea W. said...

So cute Mandolin. Mornings can be so stressful and I find myself dreading waking the girls up to hustle them around to get ready and off to school while tripping over 2 little boys who need some attention. After they leave I feel like I should be done for the day. So how great of sweet Halen to lift the load for a morning. Girls are so great that way, every now and then they kind of dial in and step up in a big way.