Halen, Harris, Brigden, and I were riding home from a very exhausting trip to Grandpa Chris' as I helped him prepare his home for an upcoming showing. The kids had accompanied me on many of these trips in the last few weeks and were therefore just plain sick of going down to watch Mommy work when they could have been playing with their friends instead. As a result of their frustration with the repeated visits, they were, let's just say, not on their best behavior and as awnery as could be. As we had just began our transport, very sweaty and sticky from working outside in rare 90 degree May heat, Harris yelled up to me that Halen had drawn on the window with her crayons. Halen then took the opportunity to clarify his statement by saying, "No! I didn't color on the window, I colored on the soft part of the car below the window!" (As if that bit of information would save her from her emminant doom!) I then, as patient as I could, said, "Halen! You know we don't draw on our car, any part of our car!" She then replied that it was an accident. I immediately questioned this, of course, because coloring on a car is not usually top rated on the accidental list. I said, "Halen, (pause for effect) Are you sure it was an (pause for more effect) Accident?" to which she replied with a sad pouty look on her face, "Well, sometimes my brain just tells me to do bad things and I do them because I don't know what to do." I then replied, "Well what should you do then?" because we had gone over this scenario before. She said, "I know, whenever I hear them, I just walk away." (As if to say, leave the scene of the possible crime, but in actuality meaning ignore your bad desires.) I slightly smiled and said, "Yes, just walk away (wondering how she would walk away from the desire to color inside a traveling car, but not curious enough to ask). Well, then just seconds after she had come to her resolve, Harris decided to jump in and help by saying, "Yeah! Halen! Use your brain!"
LOL, what a pair that Halen and Harris are! I bet Harris relishes those times when Halen's in the hotseat. So cute! These are totally the things that so great to write down and remember.
how cute! wow, halen is very psychologically sophisticated, I didn't know about using "my brain told me" til I got into high school ; )
"Yeah Halen, use your brain!" has had me laughing for days! I can't wait to see that kid and squeeze him 'til he screams!
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