Saturday, February 21, 2009

Puzzles Mania!

Brigden and his self-completed Mickey Mouse puzzle.

Brigden loves to do puzzles and is quite maticulous at them given his young age, but it's truly his Bell natured personality. Don't worry this same maticulousness may benefit him now, but he'll have major anxiety issues later in life. It's all a trade off.
Anyhow, he was so proud of himself, he wanted a picture to document his hard work! I'm actually just surprised he moved on from the Cars puzzle that he's been doing for months now, over and over and over. Progress!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just Tiny!!!

Bevan, 2 weeks old, lying next to a baby doll of Halen's.

I knew Bevan was tiny, born at 5lbs 14 oz and I remember all my other children being just as tiny, given they were all under 7lbs, but I also remember how quickly you can forget how tiny they really were so I decided to take a picture of her with our Baby Alive doll just to prove to myself down the road that she really was TINY!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Brigden's Best Friend

Brigden's Best Friend; Angie Wood holding Brigden and Bevan

You would think that Brigden's best friend was a toddler his own age that would play with his Lightning McQueen cars with him, but you'd be wrong! His best friend is actually Angie Wood, the mother of some of his best playmates; Kaleb and Korbin Wood. Because Brigden spends so much time at her home playing with her boys, he has grown to adore her. I try not to take it personally, but how can you not when each time you tell him we're leaving the house and his first question is, "Are we going to Angie's house, Mom?" or when he sees her at a nearby park and instead of first mentioning her sons, he says, "Hey, Mom, look it's Angie!" Every time we walk by her in the hallways at church Brigden will say, "Mom, here comes Angie." She is so good to him and just eats up the attention he gives her that it's actually not a problem for me at all. I love watching him love her. It's most adorable because she isn't 'Kaleb's Mom' or 'Korbin's Mom,' she's "Angie." He's always happy to have her around and so are we!
When I was in the hospital with Bevan, Angie was such a help to me during those few days and the next week. I am so grateful for friends like her whose endless help made my difficult labor & recovery so smooth. She is not only a blessing to Brigden, but a blessing to me!